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Phil Mellows is a freelance journalist living in Brighton


 About Phil 


Phil's Testimonials

''I've known Phil Mellows for 30 years. He's an experienced journalist whose fine touch and editing skills have won him the praise and respect of his fellow professionals. His nose for what makes news and what is relevant, his intolerance of jargon and prejudiceand his respect for clarity and sharp presentation are precious qualities in an age when people are increasingly overwhelmed by information overload, much of it toxic and unreliable. Mellows understands better than most that informed journalism, laced with style, humanity and solidarity in equal measure, is what makes information credible and trustworthy.''  
Aidan White, general secretary International Federation of Journalists


"Phil has been a valuable contributor to The Publican for well over a decade and is a really vital resource for us because of his encyclopaedic knowledge of all things pub. His copy is sharp, witty and always in on time and his flair for quirky feature ideas ensures we entertain our readers as well as informing them."
Caroline Nodder, Editor of The Publican


''Phil Mellows is a recognised journalist and authority on the licensed retail sector in Britain. He has written extensively about the macro and micro changes that have impacted upon the sector over the last couple of decades. I have known Phil and his work for more than ten years and have always been impressed by the quality of his work. I am currently working with him on a project which aims to expose some of the hidden political agendas behind the current moral panic associated with binge drinking and the liberalisation of licensing laws.''
Professor Conrad Lashley, Director of the Centre for Leisure Retailing, Nottingham Trent University


"I've known and respected Phil for many years, an unassuming, perceptive and observant journalist with a sharp eye for detail and a light, entertaining writing style. Not much passes him by and his analysis is crisp, shrewd and often revelatory, but it's no hardship to read his work; quite the reverse, in fact. He's a rattling good read as well!"
Robert Humphreys, honorary secretary, All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group and
The British Beer Club in the European Parliament


''Phil has a great way with words, not to mention wit – I think he was born to be a features writer! His sparkling copy has certainly livened up my pages and he hits deadlines bang on time. What more could an editor ask for?''
Maxine Perella, editor LAWR


''I first met Phil several years ago when he was a journalist on The Publican. I was impressed by his grasp of ‘people matters’ and his innate ability to get to the bottom of the issue. He is an experienced and talented writer who is skilled in communicating the essence of a subject in a manner that's relevant and accessible to the audience. I was, perhaps, surprised to learn that his knowledge extends far beyond the word of pubs and this flexibility makes him a definite asset to anyone he works with.''
Jane Sunley, managing director LearnPurple


''Put simply, Phil Mellows is a first-class journalist. His experience and knowledge of the drinks industry makes him, without doubt, an expert in his field, and his articles reflect this.
Where other journalists often labour the point, Phil is able to succinctly sum up all the relevant points in a clear and concise manner. He is respected by PRs like myself for his straightforward approach and his style of writing.
When Phil writes about the drinks industry, people listen. His name and his writing is synonymous with the best in this sector and in the 20 years that I have known Phil, first working alon side him as a journalist and now as a PR, he has remained the best.''
Eddie Gershon, Eddie Gershon Media Relations


"... and he's a top shag too!"

Following a grounding in local newspapers I've written about the pub and brewing industries since 1984. Mainly working for trade titles, the Morning Advertiser and The Publican, and more recently the Brewery Manual, I have reported and commentated on the massive changes the sector has gone through – and the uncertainties and challenges that continue to this day. 

Since turning freelance in 2008 I have become mildly obsessed with alcohol policy. This has taken me into a variety of disciplines including politics, anthropology, sociology, medicine and statistics, and my work has taken an increasingly historical turn.  I am a member of the Drinking Studies Network, which comprises some 300 academics internationally working in the field. I currently share the post of social media officer in the organisation.  I have spoken at academic events on such subjects as the Carlisle Experiment, the 1989 Beer Orders and the rise of micropubs and brewery tap rooms.

My journalism still appears regularly in the Morning Advertiser, the Brewery Manual, Drinks Retailing News and BII News. I have been a regular judge for The Publican Awards since 1998 and more recently for the Great British Pub Awards. I am a member of the British Guild of Beer Writers and the National Union of Journalists.

In the past I've also worked in contract publishing, editing the award-winning Bass Brewers News, pioneering an intranet news service back in the mid-1990s and launching a trilingual magazine for Bass Beers Worldwide, Horizons.

Portraits by Becky Netley

Phil's CV

Phil's Q&A with Journalert

Contact Phil For freelance rates etc



Writing... Journalism... Research... Awards Judging... Pub Business Advice... Pub Crawls
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