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Phil Mellows is a freelance journalist living in Brighton


  Diary Archive





Diary Archive December 10, 2024

No beef, but….   

Diary Archive November 25, 2024

Folk devils and nitrous oxide

Diary Archive November 6, 2024

The joy of loitering

Diary Archive October 15, 2024

The return to the local

Diary Archive September 24, 2024

Larry Nelson and the challenge of trade journalism

Diary Archive September 10, 2024

What we'll be losing if pubs disappear

Diary Archive December 5, 2022

A novel approach: writing the dilemmas of drink

Diary Archive December 3, 2020

Covid Temperance: between the Wars

Diary Archive January 6, 2020

The ‘new sobriety’ and its antinomies

Diary Archive August 29th, 2018

Risking the credibility of safe drinking messages

Diary Archive December 14, 2017

Avatars of Aloysius: the Tiny Rebel bear affair

Diary Archive April 27, 2017

Drink and the meaning of cancer

Diary Archive March 11, 2015

While public health fiddles, alcohol harm inequality widens

Diary Archive January 06, 2015

Prizes and cabbages: the pub industry and the MRO

Diary Archive  May 28, 2014

The strength of the drinks industry's alcohol pledge

Diary Archive March 24, 2014

After the Budget: the forward march of temperance halted?  

Diary Archive  March 03, 2014

The decline of alcohol

Diary Archive  February 07, 2013

Drinking, smoking and inequality: the public health dilemma

Diary Archive  December 10, 2013

Trouble at the till: under-age drinking and proxy purchasing

Dairy Archive  November 13, 2013

Why bringing on a sub won't change the drinking game

Diary Archive  October 29, 2013

The enemy within? War and drink

Diary Archive  September 09, 2013

No quick fix and no social justice in CSJ plan for alcohol and drugs

Diary Archive  August 07, 2013

Alcopops: the demon drinks

Diary Archive   June 27, 2013

E-cigarettes: the politics of vaping

Diary Archive  May 23, 2013

Big pharma and alcohol research

Diary Archive   May 16, 2013

Thatcher’s alcohol legacy
Part 2: The New Public Health 

Diary Archive  May 02, 2013

The drinks industry and alcohol policy: why all the fuss?

Diary Archive  April 15, 2013

Thatcher’s alcohol legacy  Part 1: The Beer Orders  

Diary Archive  March 07, 3013

Having your pint and drinking it too? The ‘problem’ 
of falling alcohol consumption

Diary Archive  February 20, 2013

Getting drunk with Kettil Bruun

Diary Archive  February 05, 2012

Alcohol stats and the comorbidity conundrum

Diary Archive  December 12, 2012

Blaming the parents for ‘binge drinking’

Diary Archive  November 30, 2012

How minimum pricing might increase alcohol consumption  

Diary Archive  November 20, 2012

Alcohol Concern’s hangover stats give me a headache  

Diary Archive  November 5, 2012

Scientific veil slips from the face of medical temperance

Diary Archive  October 24, 2012

The science and politics of costing alcohol harm

Diary Archive  October 15, 2012

Drugs, alcohol and the treatment deficit  

Diary Archive  September 17, 2012

On Griffith Edwards

Diary Archive  September 04, 2012

Minimum pricing and a divided drinks industry

Diary Archive  June 28, 2012

Alcohol anxiety and the Scottish Effect

Diary Archive  May 23, 2012

Drink, death and damned press agencies

Diary Archive  May 9, 2012

An absurd objective – public health and the licensee

Diary Archive  April 24, 2012

Widdecombe, Bench Girl and the fear of the hoyden

Diary Archive   April 13, 2012

Undeserving drinkers: moralism and the alcohol strategy

Diary Archive  March 22, 2012

Minimum pricing: how an alcohol policy is made

Diary Archive   March 13, 2012

Decline in alcohol consumption reaches epidemic proportions  

Diary Archive  February 16, 2012

Binge Britain – Cameron sends in the tanks

Diary Archive  January 30, 2012

All change for the mismeasure of drink?

Diary Archive  December 16, 2011

Pricing us out of an alcohol problem?  

Diary Archive November 21, 2011

Drinking stories: how BUPA spun a tale of boozed-up Britain

Diary Archive  October 17, 2011

Laurel and Hardy, the demon drink and the social anthropologist

Diary Archive  October 06, 2011

We need a Fresher look at student drinking

Diary Archive   September 06, 2011

Off licences: our common enemy?

Diary Archive  July 26, 2011

The pub on the Left. Part two: Beyond the undeserving poor

Diary Archive  July 06, 2011 

The 4% solution: drinkers demand less bang for their buck

Diary Archive   June 14, 2011

Public services not pub libraries

Diary Archive  June 01, 2011

The ups and downs of alcohol stats

Diary Archive  May 25, 2011

The pub on the Left. Part one: the burden of government

Diary Archive  May 9, 2011

Keeping the binge drinking myth alive

Diary Archive  April 25, 2011

Drunks, junkies and fatsos: the return of the 
undeserving poor

Diary Archive   April 14, 2011

Alcohol and cancer: a marriage of convenience?

Diary Archive   March 25, 2011

From crisis to renewal: hopes for the history of the pub

Diary Archive   March 15, 2011

The anti-alcohol lobby and the responsibility deal

Diary Archive  February 23, 2011

The rich get drunker and the poor get sicker

Diary Archive   February 15, 2011

A cause for Concern: desperately seeking better 
alcohol services

Diary Archive    February 4, 2011

God and the demon drink

Diary Archive    January 20, 2011

Vampires, victims and minimum pricing

Diary Archive   January 18, 2011

Drinking to our health? Of course not

Diary Archive  December 24, 2010

Cheap booze, cheap lives

Diary Archive  December 3, 2010

Café culture and the government assault on progress

Diary Archive   November 29, 2010

High society. It’s only human

Diary Archive   November 03, 2010

The Nutt report: exaggeration, not evidence

Diary Archive  November 01, 2010

Class, binge drinking and the licensing review

Diary Archive  October 19, 2010

Disgusting drinks: From the not-so-super to bad Buckie

Diary Archive  October 14, 2010

The horrible consistency of ConDem alcohol policy

Diary Archive  September 28, 2010

Trades unions and the pub

Diary Archive  September 10, 2010

A special brew: consumer profiling the average tramp

Diary Archive  August 23, 2010

Drugs in pubs: dodgy dealings and dodgy policies

Diary Archive  August 10 2010

Myths of the individual and the nanny state

Diary Archive July 29, 2010

Rebalancing the licensing laws – an attack on progress

Diary Archive  July 20, 2010

Pubs and the Big Society

Diary Archive  July 12, 2010

Alcohol Concern: a dependency on problem inflation

Diary Archive  June 28, 2010

Drink-driving: Is policy steering the evidence?

Diary Archive  June 15, 2010

The politics of lunch

Diary Archive   May 28, 2010

The Ragged Trousered Piss-Artists?

Diary Archive   May 18, 2010

A taxing time for beer drinkers

Diary Archive  May 10, 2010

Forgotten and forgetting: deprivation and drinking

Diary Archive  May 6, 2010

Nationalise pubs? Well, why not

Diary Archive April 29, 2010

Sofa, so good: the pub and the alcoholic  

Diary Archive April 21, 2010

Politics, science, drugs and alcohol

Diary Archive  April 13, 2010

The threat to pub WiFi

Diary Archive    March 29, 2010

Experiments in alcohol and the tale of Rat Park

Diary Archive   March 25, 2010

Budgets, Beer Fairies and a sprinkle of stardust

Diary Archive  March 22, 2010

The Healey Plan: a licence for tie-slashing

Diary Archive  March 16, 2010

Social norms: an alternative to 'health terrorism'?

Diary Archive   March 9, 2010

Alcohol is a drug: deal with it

Diary Archive  March 4, 2010

The Fifth Element: public houses and public health

Diary Archive  February 24, 2010

The Politics of Recovery

Diary Archive   February 17, 2010

Does minimum pricing work? A doctor wriggles 
out of it

Diary Archive    February 12, 2010

Alcohol-related disorder is falling. Not that anyone’s 
going to tell you

Diary Archive  February 8, 2010

Fear and loafing can ruin your health

Diary Archive   February 2, 2010

It’s poverty, stupid – why people are dying of drink

Diary Archive January 27, 2010

A Dark Star shining

Diary Archive  January 22, 2010

Dr Jekyll, Mr Hyde and the price of ale

Diary Archive  January 19, 2010

Playing politics with the dentist’s chair
Don’t bounce out top-up training for doorstaff

Diary Archive    January 14, 2010

Drinking by numbers? It doesn’t add up

Diary Archive  January 11, 2010

Never mind the health select committee report on alcohol. Let’s… Play… Darts!

Diary Archive  January 4, 2010

Forces gather against the evils of drink
Doctors on the offensive

Diary Archive  December 21, 2009

The drink questions (quiz)

Diary Archive   December 17, 2009

The Beer Orders and me

Diary Archive   December 15, 2009

Britain goes off the booze, shock!  

Diary Archive   December 14, 2009

Is it a beer? Is it a penguin? No, it seems to be a whisky

Diary Archive   December 9, 2009

Fair to tenants? You’re having a Luff!

Diary Archive   December 7, 2009

Barring pubs from alcohol debate - it's socially irresponsible  

Diary Archive  November 30, 2009

The invention of binge drinkers

Diary Archive  November 24, 2009

Why people drink at home – and why they should be 
down the pub

Diary Archive   November 18, 2009

Too many pubs?

Diary Archive  November 11, 2009

Beer mats or helicopters? The drinks industry’s dilemma
Artificial alcohol: a dangerous invention

Phil's Diary  November 9, 2009

The Nutt-Brown-ale conjunction
Ruff justice  

Phil's Diary  November 4, 2009

The art of bartending

Phil's Diary   November 2, 2009

Nutt sacking: a step backwards for drug and alcohol policy

Phil's Diary   October 27, 2009

Can publicans unite?
Born to be mild

Phil's Diary  October 22, 2009

A decision that’s a bit OFT
The banker and the binge drinker

Phil's Diary    October 20, 2009

The ups and downs of alcohol consumption

Phil's Diary  October 15, 2009

The end of the tie?

Phil;s Diary  October 12, 2009

Did boffins once have teenage kicks?

Phil's Diary  October 7, 2009

Tories out on licensing
Death and pensions

Phil's Diary   September 29, 2009

Curfew spells chaos
The third way  
What's the Scots' problem?  

Phil's Diary   September 27, 2009

Putting the tied-house in order

Phil's Diary  September 21, 2009

Charge of the fright brigade
Biofuels or beer? The big question

Phil's Diary  September 16, 2009

Down-under the influence
Wethering the storm

Phil's Diary  September 14, 2009

Turning back the clock

Phil's Diary  September 4, 2009

The Price of Minimum Pricing
To your stealth!

Phil's Diary  September 1, 2009

Scottish Play
Drugs legalised. Sky stays up  

Phil's Diary August 25, 2009

Good health! Or is it?  
Heart of glass  

Phil's Diary   August 20, 2009

A light (ale) at the end of the tunnel
Homeless, not hopeless

Phil's Diary  August 17, 2009

Dubious penalties
Sick note

Phil's Diary  August10, 2009

In the Doghouse
A Victory for taste

Phil's Diary July 30, 2009

Inebriety makes a comeback
The prohibition paradox

Phil's Diary July 27, 2009

What’s happening to our pubs?
The point of a beer festival

Phil's Diary July 22, 2009

How to die of drink 


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